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London brewery statistics 2023

We started 2023 with 119 London breweries on our list, and end it with 108, so a net decrease of 11 for the year. This follows net decreases of 14 in 2022 and 3 in 2021. We recorded 6 new breweries (a reduction from 8 in 2022) but deleted 17 from our list (the 2022 figure was 22). The number of deletions was not all due to closures - some of those deleted moved out of London or decided to contract brew. Others are more accurately described as having suspended brewing, so they may or may not resume brewing in future.

The 6 new - or 'resumed' - breweries are: The Ram, Wandsworth, where Coalition have been brewing this year; Babel Beerhouse (previously Little Creatures); Saint Monday (previously London Fields); Battersea Substation (previously Spartan); Firkin, Lewisham and Libertalia (in the space previously occupied by Gravity Well).

The list of breweries deleted from our list this year can be found here

The current list of London breweries can be found here.