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London Beer Guide Statistics 2024
2024 started with 315 Guide entries (this includes pubs, brewery taps, tap rooms, bottle shop bars, etc.) and we end the year with 289 entries, a reduction of 26.
24 new (or re-opened) places were added, a lower number than previous years, and 49 were deleted. Of the deletions the bulk (25) came about following an editorial decision to remove all BrewDog bars and all Laine Brew Co bars, 16 entries closed, 3 closed but re-opened in a new incarnation and 5 were deemed to no longer meet the Guide criteria.
Once the editorial deletions are taken out of the equation the comings and goings even themselves out which feels right. Anybody following the London beer scene knows that the boom years are behind us, but what remains is still a good, solid selection of quality drinking establishments, and, to me, it feels like the “Craft” side of the beer scene is holding up slightly better than mainstream pubs.
Following a concerted effort to bring the number down we go in to 2025 with a to-do list of 5 open venues and 8 “coming soon.”
And before anybody asks the question – yes I know that there is an anomaly in the figures but I can’t work out where it has occurred! We definitely end the year with 289 entries.
(pictured is the interior of the impressive new Kernel Taproom in Bermondsey)